Final MEDINA meeting with nominated experts
13 Oct, 2023
By Jesus Luna Garcia (Bosch)

The fourth and final MEDINA ESG (Expert Stakeholder Group) meeting took place last October 9th 2023 via teleconference. After reviewing the basics of MEDINA’s approach and contributed framework, this meeting focused on presenting the developed validation use cases, and the project’s exploitation and sustainability actions.

Both Bosch and Fabasoft presented their corresponding validation scenarios and the proposed approach which was used to guarantee that all framework components’ requirements were successfully achieved. The presentation was complemented with live demonstrations of both the MEDINA Integrated UI (Bosch) and the Continuous Compliance Dashboard (Fabasoft), where most available features where shown to the ESG members. Also, partner Nixu (lead of MEDINA’s exploitation activities) discussed the different “tracks” in which the project organized its sustainability actions namely research, standardization, sales, and cost savings.

Finally, the consortium received feedback from the nominated experts including questions about the proposed trustworthiness framework, leverage of SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) technology, and development of compliance metrics. It is our hope that these discussions will continue even after the finalization of the project, and as an effort to guarantee uptake of EUCS (European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services) in the road to automation of compliance monitoring.