Deploying a high- assurance, evidence -based and continuous certification for Cloud Service Providers.
MEDINA contributes to the European Cloud Security Certification policy, enhances the trustworthiness of cloud services thanks to the compliance with security certification schemes, cooperates with relevant stakeholders, and helps Europe prepare for the cloud security challenges of tomorrow.

Certification metrics and specification languages

Automated evidence management

Lifecycle management of certificates

Continuous compliance
Latest Blog Posts
MEDINA Training Courses
MEDINA has created four online audience-oriented courses that provide training on topics related to the project. The content of each course has been tailored to the needs of a each role role defined in the project. Course for the user role “Auditor” Course for the...
MEDINA Press Release (October 2023)
MEDINA: Security framework to achieve a continuous audit-based certification in compliance with the EU-wide cloud security certification scheme Bilbao, Spain, October 2023 MEDINA is an EU-funded initiative that enables Cloud Service Providers (CSP) to achieve a...
Final MEDINA deliverables
Three new public deliverables have been released and published on the MEDINA project website in October 2023. These resports describe the dissemination, communication, standardization and training activities carrried out during the last eighteen months of the...
2023 October Newsletter
One of the initiatives done by the MEDINA communication team has been the launch of the October newsletter. This newsletter is a publication of the MEDINA Project, and aims to provide information on the project’s activities and to showcase the project’s achievements...
Final MEDINA General Assembly in Pisa
We have just returned from the 10th General Assembly of the MEDINA project in Pisa, organized by CNR, where we met to work together on the final integration activities and the validation of the MEDINA framework in the Use Cases. We opened the first day of the meeting...
MEDINA contributes to new approaches and open-source developments relevant for the IPCEI-CIS and the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud
On 5-6 of October, MEDINA team members participated in the NexusForum2023 summit, a face-to-face event aimed at exploring technological synergies between the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud, the EU companies and Members States involved in the...
The role of standardization in MEDINA (part II – Final)
It has been almost 18 months since we wrote our initial blogpost on the topic of standardization in MEDINA, and after 3 years of successfully performing those activities it is time to provide a summary of our achievements. During the first half of the project’s...
Whitepaper on “Continuous Life-Cycle Management of Cloud Security Certifications”
FhG, XLAB, CNR , NIXU and TECNALIA have prepared a joint whitepaper entitled ‘Continuous Life-Cycle Management of Cloud Security Certifications'. Cloud computing has witnessed rapid growth in adoption over the last decade, with prominent public cloud vendors like...