MEDINA consortium met for the first time face to face in Bilbao
21 Oct, 2022
By Maitena ilardia (TECNALIA)

On 18th and 19th of October, all the MEDINA partners participated in the 7th General Assembly of the MEDINA action. The two days duration meeting was held in Bilbao, where the office of TECNALIA, the partner coordinating MEDINA is settled. For the ones who couldn’t travel, they follow the GA online, through the Teams organized for that purpose.

Different workshops took place during the meetings focusing mainly on:

  • Analyzing the technical details and current status of the MEDINA key results (Catalogue of controls and metrics, Cloud Security Certification Language, Risk based selection of controls framework, Continuous evidence management tools, Continuous certification evaluation, Risk-Based continuous assessment) and future-midterm plans for their implementation.
  • Demonstrating functional demos of some components of the MEDINA framework, such as the Catalogue of controls and metrics, the Assessment and Management of Organisational Evidence tool (AMOE) and the SSI Framework.
  • Understanding the validation of the MEDINA framework through the two MEDINA use cases.
  • Deriving the potential business models and business scenarios that may assure the sustainability of the MEDINA outcomes.
  • Advancing on the communication, dissemination and networking activities and plans for the final year of the project.

All the main open technical, business and communication related issues where discussed and (for some of them) final decisions were made. As a conclusion, a set of action points were derived with the objective of having the next integrated version of the MEDINA framework ready by January 2023.