MEDINA invited lecture at Barcelona Tech
28 Apr, 2023
By Jesus Luna Garcia (Bosch)

In the context of Barcelona Tech’s MSc Programme in Cybersecurity, Dr. Jesus Luna Garcia (BOSCH) was invited to lecture academic staff and students on the topic “MEDINA: Automated-based certification for cloud services in Europe”. This 120 mins. lecture covered background aspects related to MEDINA (e.g., the new EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services, EUCS for short) and also provided a deep dive on the developed framework, standardization efforts and practical experiences related to its validation. The participants in this lecture asked interesting questions related to the implemented techniques for technical compliance validation, and also about the future of MEDINA (exploitation activities and planned spin-off initiatives). Particular emphasis was put on suggesting commercialization of components like Clouditor, which is seen as a “one of its kind” because its unique design around EUCS.

As part of the lecture, an online survey was made available for the participants asking about their thoughts related to EUCS. The online results, which were consistent with the in-class discussions, clearly shown the overall perception of the effort it will take cloud providers to obtain this new certification. This is precisely where MEDINA provides a clear added value! We hope that future adopters of the developed framework will confirm how the automation and trustworthiness given by MEDINA will result in clear benefits for their business.