MEDINA: Security framework to achieve a continuous audit-based certification in compliance with the EU-wide cloud security certification scheme




Deploying a high- assurance, evidence -based and continuous certification for Cloud Service Providers.

MEDINA contributes to the European Cloud Security Certification policy, enhances the trustworthiness of cloud services thanks to the compliance with security certification schemes, cooperates with relevant stakeholders, and helps Europe prepare for the cloud security challenges of tomorrow.

Certification metrics and specification languages

Automated evidence management

Lifecycle management of certificates

Continuous compliance

Latest Blog Posts

Final MEDINA integrated solution

Final MEDINA integrated solution

One new public deliverable (D5.5 MEDINA Integrated Solution-v3) has been released and published on the MEDINA project website . This deliverable presents the third and final version of the MEDINA integrated solution with increased functionalities compared to the...

i-4 Global Forum 102

i-4 Global Forum 102

The International Information Integrity Institute (i-4) organized the 102nd edition of their global forum in Croatia on June 26th - 28th. MEDINA was invited to provide a speech on EUCS and our approach to provide automation to the underlying certification  process....

MEDINA June Newsletter

MEDINA June Newsletter

One of the initiatives done by the MEDINA communication team has been the launch of the June newsletter. This newsletter is a publication of the MEDINA Project, and aims to provide information on the project’s activities and to showcase the project’s achievements...

Kick-off of MEDINA’s EUROSCAL Initiative

Kick-off of MEDINA’s EUROSCAL Initiative

During the i-4 Global Hybrid Forum 102 organized on June 26th 2023, our partner Bosch (represented by MEDINA's technical manager Jesus Luna Garcia) will officially kick-off the EUROSCAL (EU Friends of OSCAL) initiative. This event has been carefully selected by the...