Deploying a high- assurance, evidence -based and continuous certification for Cloud Service Providers.
MEDINA contributes to the European Cloud Security Certification policy, enhances the trustworthiness of cloud services thanks to the compliance with security certification schemes, cooperates with relevant stakeholders, and helps Europe prepare for the cloud security challenges of tomorrow.
Certification metrics and specification languages
Automated evidence management
Lifecycle management of certificates
Continuous compliance
Latest Blog Posts
MEDINA Integrated User Interface
The MEDINA Framework is made up by the collaboration of different microservices, developed by different teams. To allow each team to work autonomously we decided to adopt the micro-frontends architecture. Each team implements their own UI and take advantages from this...
Evaluating Tools for Certification
In this blogpost, we cover an issue that may seem not directly related to the goals of the MEDINA project, but which is at the heart of certification automation: When applying automated tools for certification tasks, these tools must be trusted. To be able to trust a...
Connecting Cloud Security Assessments with Static Code Analysis
As a Research and Innovation Action, the MEDINA project aims at developing new approaches to support the automated certification of cloud services. A big challenge in the security assessment of cloud services is to connect and aggregate the isolated assessment results...
MEDINA discussions at the ENISA EUCS Winter Summit 2022
Last November 22nd-23rd, took place in Brussels (Belgium) the winter edition of the EUCS summit organized by ENISA. For this meeting, the MEDINA team (Bosch, Tecnalia, and Fraunhofer AISEC) was invited by the organizers to live demo the integrated prototype (check out...
Tools and techniques for collecting evidence of technical and organisational measures
The second version of the public delieverable Tools and techniques for collecting evidence of technical and organisational measures - D3.5 was released and submitted to the European Commission in October. Contributors to the deliverable are XLAB, Fraunhofer, and...
Tools and techniques for the management of trustworthy evidence
The public deliverable D3.2 Tools and techniques for the management of trustworthy evidence-v2, from Tecnalia, FhG, Fabasoft and Xlab, was successfully submitted to the European Commission last October. This deliverable aims at presenting the MEDINA Evidence...