MEDINA Press Release (March 2022)
MEDINA Project deploys high-assurance / digital evidence-based, continuous certification for Cloud Service Providers MEDINA is a Research and Innovation Action supported by Europe’s H2020 program, with the objective to create a Security framework to achieve a...
Making it work: the MEDINA Architecture
The main objective of MEDINA is to provide a tool for CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) that allows them the achievement of a continuous auditing and certification of Cloud Services aligned to the EU Cybersecurity Act, all this in an automated and almost real time...
MEDINA Framework: a technical overview
The goal of the MEDINA project is to design and develop a security framework for automated evaluation of cloud service compliance with security standards. This post aims to provide a high-level technical overview of the MEDINA framework’s contents and introduces the...
MEDINA Risk Assessment tool
MEDINA aims to develop an innovative mechanism for supporting continuous monitoring of cyber security certification compliance for cloud services. Following a reputable standard is often considered as an approach for assuring high level of cyber security. At the same...
The cloud is constantly changing and moves faster than traditional periodic auditing can cover. The solution to this problem is continuous auditing. To make this happen, EU Horizon 2020 funded the innovation program Medina to develop a novel solution hitting the...
The role of standardization in MEDINA (part I – Introduction)
The topic of standardization plays a very important role in H2020 research projects like MEDINA. On one hand, projects are expected to constantly survey the standardization landscape in order to facilitate early adopters the integration of contributed frameworks into...
MEDINA General Assemblies
During 2021, 4 General Virtual Assemblies were held. Due to COVID-19, the meeting was held online using Teams. The Project began in November 2020. In the MEDINA kick off virtual meeting, where all the partners met and the procedures for achieving the project goals was...
On December 2021, MEDINA was presented in the Horizon cloud Summit. Two of the companies participating in MEDINA, TECNALIA and BOSCH contributed to shaping the CloudComputing priorities fit for Europe's green & digital transformation. The session focussed on Cloud...
Whitepaper on 'Experimenting with Automated Monitoring Requirements of the Upcoming EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services'
Robert Bosch GmbH has prepared a whitepaper defining ‘First Impressions on Experimenting with Automated Monitoring Requirements of the Upcoming EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services’ The whitepaper reports on lessons learned related to the...
Automated cybersecurity monitoring: the path to continuous compliance
As part of a private call for EUCS (European Union Cybersecurity Certification Scheme on Cloud Services) experimentations organized by ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity), Bosch, Fabasoft and Nixu worked on an experimental environment to address this...