Specification of the Cloud Security Certification Language
We are pleased to announce the release of the final deliverable on the MEDINA certification language: "Deliverable 2.5: Specification of the Cloud Security Certification Language", final version. In the course of the project, the partners defined, developed and...
MEDINA deliverables released in April 2023
Six new public deliverables have been released and published on the MEDINA project website in April 2023. These deliverables are related to the prototypes of the third and final version of the MEDINA Framework components. D2.5 Specification of the Cloud Security...
Third Expert Stakeholder Group meeting
A new edition of MEDINA's Expert Stakeholder Group online meeting took place last April-25th 2023, with the goal of presenting our approach to a couple of interesting aspects of the project namely the Catalogue of Metrics and Controls, and MEDINA's Standardization...
MEDINA invited lecture at Barcelona Tech
In the context of Barcelona Tech's MSc Programme in Cybersecurity, Dr. Jesus Luna Garcia (BOSCH) was invited to lecture academic staff and students on the topic "MEDINA: Automated-based certification for cloud services in Europe". This 120 mins. lecture covered...
Continuous Certification Evaluation (CCE) component
In the last years, European Commission has been moving towards a shared multicloud infrastructure that is already benefiting many research and innovation ecosystems in Europe. Though, the recent security challenges worldwide, also related to digitalisation across...
Bitkom meeting on “Continuous Monitoring”
Last March-15th 2023 MEDINA partners Fraunhofer AISEC (Christian Banse) and Bosch (Jesus Luna Garcia) participated in the virtual meeting organized by Bitkom (https://www.bitkom.org/) on the topic of continuous monitoring. During the session, it was presented MEDINA’s...
MEDINA Consortium met for the 8th GA face to face meeting in Linz
All the MEDINA partners have participated in the 8th General Assembly on 1 and 2 March 2023. The two days duration meeting was organized by Fabasoft and took place in Linz, inside one of the buildings of the Tabakfabrik Linz site. Those participants that could not...
MEDINA Standardization presented at the SWForum webinar
During the SWForum webinar on “Software Technologies and Standards” (February-21st, 2023), MEDINA’s Jesus Luna Garcia discussed the project’s approach to an effective and efficient standardization engagement. On one hand the presented approach allows MEDINA to...
Continuously certifiable Technical and Organizational Measures and Catalogue of Cloud Security Metrics
The second version of the public deliverable D2.2 Continuously certifiable technical and organizational measures and Catalogue of cloud security metrics , coordinated by TECNALIA, was successfully submitted to the European Commission last January. This deliverable...
Second release of the MEDINA Framework
In the deliverable D5.4 MEDINA Integrated Solution we present a second version of the MEDINA integrated solution with increased functionalities compared to the initial prototype at M15. The document shows how some of the main objectives of the work package 5 are...